Omega is a soil activator developed from biologically active, organic carbon and select microbial packages. Omega unlocks soil nutrients and provides greater energy to roots and plants.
In June 2019, a Southland Organics landscape customer was interested in using a soil conditioner for an upcoming hydroseeding job. He was looking to decrease the number of days it took for his seeds to germinate. Due to the time of year and the potential fertilization needs, Omega Soil Conditioner was suggested by one of our Turf Specialists. Omega was purchased over Genesis because the extra bacteria would support the new seedlings against heat stress. Adding Omega to his hydroseeding slurry would also activate the soil to grow strong, healthy strands of grass for better erosion control.
“ Look at this Bermuda. 14 days in and it sure is making the white barn in the background look pretty!
The Variables
The customer’s hydroseeding job was located on a residential lot adjacent to a pond. The terrain was average with a few slopes leading to the pond. The soil type was typical for native Georgia, a clay mixture. The grass was not a blend but rather pure, hulled Bermuda seed. The application rate used for Omega on this particular job was 10oz per 1000 square feet. The job was roughly half an acre.
7 days and the grass is visible. That is nearly unheard of! My customer is very happy at this point.
The Results

Omega exceeded the customer’s expectations and outperformed the typical germination rate for hydroseeding jobs. The results amazed not only our landscape customer but the homeowner as well. Both were ecstatic at how fast the seeds had matured.
Coincidentally, another hydroseeding job was being performed by another landscape contractor on the property next door. The timing for both jobs was close to simultaneous. At the 22 day mark, as the contractor for the adjacent property was inspecting the job, he saw the homeowner cutting their grass. He was amazed at the seeds sprayed with Omega and could hardly believe how fast the grass had grown compared to his project. He couldn’t help but ask our client what he used in his slurry to get such incredible results. Our client who was also astonished by the results gladly gave him a Southland Organics business card.
That same afternoon, we received a call from the other contractor. He eagerly purchased 10 gallons of Omega and raved about the differences he witnessed between the two jobs. We knew Omega was special but it’s even better when landscapers feel the impact that Omega brings to their business. We are confident Omega Soil Conditioner will highly satisfy our customers and yours.
In seven days the seeds had germinated and were visibly growing. By day 14 the project looked much more mature and was strongly covered in green grass. By day 22 the homeowner actually mowed for the first time.