Poultry Supplements for Improved Performance
Stronger Birds.
Better Performance.
Higher profits.
Scientifically-proven products to help your houses thrive in the antibiotic-free poultry environment.
Protect your birds and your livelihood
Unhealthy birds means an unhealthy business. Through the correct poultry feed supplementation, you can address bird health from a biological standpoint and establish a strong foundation for your farm.
When the biggest issue for your flock, harmful bacteria, is unseen, it can be difficult to identify and address properly. Biological stress can cause undue harm to your poultry farm, but support from beneficial bacteria-based supplements can save your birds and your business. What type of birds do you grow?

Gut Health in Poultry
Through improved gut health, low mortality, better feed conversion, increased egg quality and healthier birds can be a reality for your farm. When you strengthen natural defenses, you fight off the harmful bacteria in turkey, hens and broilers' guts and below their feet. This ensures a healthier flock from the inside out.
You can expect Southland Organics products to help digestion, improve the quality of eggs, clean the gut and provide the vitamins and minerals essential to poultry health.
With more efficient and effective digestion, birds experience less feed passage and better disease resistance. With harmful bacteria kept at bay, you get drier litter, stronger birds and cleaner houses. With better nutrient absorption, flocks achieve a better feed conversion. With strong natural defenses, birds grow in a healthier environment with less threat of disease, lower mortality and better performance for all.
Southland Organics is here to arm you with the beneficial microbes, vitamins and complete poultry nutrition you need to keep your flocks from falling victim to harmful bacteria.
Take it From Other Farmers
"#2 out of 100 growers"
I was #2 out of 100+ growers this grow out. It's all because of Big Ole Bird.
—Jason C."Grower-friendly company"
I decided to use the Mother Load Vinegar and I had one of my best feed conversions, lowest condemnation report, and highest average weight I have had yet. This is a grower friendly company that has the growers' best interests at heart.
—Mountain S."49 points above average"
We are about to finish up our first flock with all ten houses on Litter Life. Today we received a call from our tech telling us we were number one. Our birds were 49 points above average.
—Robins S.Our Secret Ingredients
Our specially formulated poultry supplements use beneficial microbes, organic acids and carbon to boost nature’s defenses inside birds' guts and in the litter below their feet. This helps them fight off harmful bacteria that cause disease like dermatitis, enteritis and so much more.
These ingredients also help boost birds' natural ability to absorb and process nutrients. This creates a healthier bird on every level—nutrition, production and environment.

Beneficial Microbes
Poultry production and poultry performance are greatly increased by live microorganisms. Our microbes are mostly Bacillus species, which are heartier than other poultry probiotics that only feature Lactobacillus acidophilus and other lactic acid-focused species.
Our products are specially formulated with live bacteria in a vegetative form that prove a positive influence on gut health and gut integrity. For a look at some of the indigenous beneficial bacteria and what they do, check out our blog on Big Ole Bird Ingredients.

Organic Acids
Most people in commercial poultry production think of acidification of water when they hear “organic acids.” While organic acids do provide some acidifying effects, they also provide additional benefits to keep your flock healthy.
Fulvic acid is "wetter than water" and serves as a destroyer of biofilms. Our organic acids, not to be confused with amino acids, destroy the protective layer produced by the disease-causing organisms. This mechanism assists the birds’ natural barrier function for improved immune response.

Active Carbon
The carbon baseline for our products binds harmful compounds and boosts gut integrity. This is similar to charcoal, which has been used for thousands of years to improve drinking water and for general detoxification purposes.
Activated carbon goes a level deeper by adsorbing longer chain hydrogen-rich molecules. The activated carbon in Hen Helper has shown to adsorb benzenes, chelate nutrients and bind metals.

Flock-Changing Results
We believe in our products’ effectiveness in increasing overall poultry health because we have the science to back it up. In a third-party study, it was concluded that our probiotic poultry feed supplement Big Ole Bird is a great option to help boost weight gain, improve feed conversion and fight mortality.

Real Help from Real People
At Southland Organics, our biggest joy comes from helping growers like you.
We know the new poultry environment and its restrictions on antibiotics knocked the wind out of most farmers, not to mention their profits. That’s why we have a team who knows the industry, right here in the good ol’ U.S. of A.
We’re on call to learn about your unique challenges and create a customized program to best solve your problems with science-based solutions.
Connect with Allen Reynolds, our Poultry Development Representative, at 800-608-3755 or Allen@SouthlandOrganics.com.