Revived Soil.
Healthier Plants.
Your best garden yet.
Scientifically-proven products to help you grow a beautiful, resilient garden.
Plant Health is Rooted in the Soil
Getting to the root of soil health requires a microscopic solution. When plants don't have the nutrients they need in the soil, they can't perform to their full potential. Addressing garden health from a biological perspective can establish a strong foundation for resilient, bountiful plants to thrive in the long term.
A Healthy Garden for the Long Run
Healthy plants come from healthy soil. When your soil is weak, your plants suffer. Don't just deliver short-term results by pumping the soil with too much nitrogen and unnatural amounts of nutrients. While this may seem to make a difference quickly, it hurts plants, the soil and the environment in the long run. Give your soil a sustainable source of nutrients to create a truly healthy, resilient garden.
We feed the soil,
that feeds the plants,
that grow the food,
that feeds the family.
For more than a decade, we have helped professionals and homeowners nationwide overcome challenges with their plants. We revive dead soil, so you can grow stronger roots and build a healthier garden.
Whether you're fighting disease or trying to achieve a higher yield, we’re here to help. Our products are all-natural, so you can rest assured that you are protecting wildlife, families, pets and the environment as you improve your soil.
Strengthen your Garden from the Ground Up
Dead soil indicates that there isn't much life happening under the ground. We work to restore life to the soil by feeding it rich, biologically active carbon, living microbes and organic acids.
Our products aren't some "miracle juice" that makes it appear as if your plants are thriving. We deliver long-term benefits to your soil that support your plants' health through and through. With Southland Organics, here's what you can expect:
High Yields and Quality Plants
Southland Organics was started from a passion for agriculture. Achieving higher yields and increased plant performance starts in the soil. Whether you are a commercial row crop farmer or a backyard gardener, our all-natural products revitalize dead soil to create an environment where plants can thrive. Taking care of our soil is taking care of future generations.
Replenished Soil and Restored Carbon
Our products are rich in humic and fulvic acids. These acids break up soil tension even in the most compacted soils. Humic acid penetrates the surface layer to deliver oxygen to the root zone. Strong roots depend on oxygen, so they can grow stronger and work more efficiently at collecting nutrients. Our products have active carbon in them so that as soon as they're applied, they support life in the soil. Carbon is the ultimate macronutrient.
Increased Nutrient Uptake
Having good bacteria in the soil is vital for a plant's ability to uptake nutrients. In a process called chelation, bacteria exchange food sources with plant roots. The conversion of these nutrients is boosted by the help of a rich source of humic and fulvic acid. These soil acids help change the charge of elements in the soil so that they are attracted to the plant root. The plant, in turn, uptakes these nutrients and uses them as fuel to grow stronger, better crops.
Better Resistance to Drought and Disease
During some growing seasons, a lack of water can be detrimental to a farmer. Hot summers can even put a strain on small-scale gardens. Dead soil lacks the ability to retain water, but it has been proven that soil rich in organic matter increases water retention. Building a healthy soil environment also promotes stronger, healthier plants. A healthy plant is less susceptible to disease.
Benefits of Soil Amendments
We address plant health by nourishing the soil. That's why we make and stand behind our soil amendments. Soil amendments are unique in their many benefits:
- Maximize performance and increase yield
- Improve water retention and discourage runoff by improving the tilth of the soil
- Prevent nutrient loss from leaching and help the soil absorb and hold nutrients
- Increase the porosity of soil
- Make fertilizers and other nutrients more effective by increasing uptake
- Increase cation exchange in the soil
- Reduce the cost of fertilization by decreasing the loss from the soil
- Restore the natural balance of microbes
Carbon and nitrogen are part of nature’s design to turn things that are dead into something that can be used as life-giving fuel. Fertilizer is packed with nitrogen. Carbon naturally occurs to help convert elements that cannot be used on their own, like nitrogen, into food for plants.
Carbon can be thought of as the fuel that propels the soil engine. The microbes in the soil are the workers. They have the important job of breaking down soil nutrients into plant-ready food. Every soil nutrient and mineral requires microbes to process them into a usable form.
Soil that is consistently farmed and given lots of fertilizer needs extra help keeping the natural carbon balance necessary to make the most of the food given to plants.
Our products add biologically active microbes, organic acids and active carbon to balance the ratio and help accelerate the process, so you make the most of your fertilizer and get high yields and top-quality crops!

Garden Products

Real Help from Real People
You have questions? We have answers.
At Southland Organics, our biggest joy comes from helping growers like you. That’s why we have a team of people who know the industries we serve. We are ready to talk to you personally, right here in the good ol’ U.S. of A.
We’re on call to learn about your unique challenges and create a customized program to best solve your problems with science-based solutions.
Connect with us directly at 800-608-3755 or through our chat.