resilient turf.
better greens.
outstanding performance.
Scientifically-proven products to grow greens that roll firm, smooth and true.
Humic Acid for Golf Greens
You and your team know how to grow greens that roll firm, smooth and true. Unfortunately, this task can be difficult, if not impossible, when the health of your soil isn’t up to par.
Consider the amount of work you put into growing greens that are a blade’s length away from perfection. The only way to get there is with a consistent, healthy soil environment. The good news? While you’re working hard on the turf, our soil conditioner products take care of all the work in the dirt, making everything you do even more effective. How? Humic acids.
Our soil conditioner program creates healthy, well-oxygenated soil ecosystems that allow your greens to flourish while creating an inhospitable environment for unwanted biology such as algae.
Our 4-5-3 Golf Green Program
The benefits of humic acid and fulvic acid for golf course greens are clear. The beneficial microbes in our products efficiently break down nutrients and increase exchange rates within the root zones of your course. A potent mixture of Bacillus and fungi collectively ward off disease and pestilence. Our liquid aeration and soil energizers help you build an optimal turf environment so your greens play like a champion.
In this story, YOU are the real champion of the course.
Increase soil microbial biomass carbon (MBC), cation exchange capacity and soil microbial activity in your greens year-round with our soil amendment program designed specifically for golf course superintendents.
Superintendents love taking core samples a few months into the program and finding the grass roots are longer and whiter—a product of increased biological health and oxygenation. This is accomplished through a wide variety in our product line from a liquid soil conditioner to biochar soil amendment.
When soil health is consistently optimal, you’ll be able to keep your greens consistently firm, smooth and true, and the players will thank you for it!

Winter and Spring: 4 Applications
Genesis, our humate soil conditioner, is applied once per month in January, March, April and May. Awaken the soil while delivering vital nutrients and oxygen to slow-moving root zones. Expect to dial in long-lasting color faster and build more resilient turf.

Summer: 5 Applications
Omega, our soil activator, is applied five times in June through September. Fuel the soil to counteract the stress of a long, hot summer. Promote nutrient uptake and build turf that is resilient to disease and environmental stress.

Late Summer and Fall: 3 Applications
Revival, our liquid turf aerator, is applied in September and November. Revive the soil to breathe life back into your greens after a busy summer. This recovery solution helps greens heal faster from aerification and extends championship playability later into the year.
Our Secret Ingredients: Humic Substances
Southland Organics turf grass products leverage our three core features to supercharge soil with the building blocks turf grass needs to thrive. These features are rooted in the benefits of humic and fulvic acids.

Carbon is the main building block of all organic life. In fact, 50% of plant life is made up of carbon. Carbon feeds microbes and is critical to microbial health. The microbes in turn assimilate nutrients and deliver them to the roots for growth and development. Carbon is the ultimate macro element that greens need to thrive.

Organic acids and top-quality, organic carbon work to break surface tension of compacted soils and deliver oxygen to the root zone. Grass grows deeper roots in oxygenated soil, helping it resist disease and overtake weeds.

The added beneficial microbes in our products help decompose residual pesticides and herbicides and unlock bound nutrients in the soil. This makes nutrients available to plants in simpler, more easily absorbed forms. Microbes amplify conventional programs by making your inputs work harder for longer.
With these three secret ingredients, plants develop deeper roots, retain water, resist disease and pests and become lush and healthy. Our soil amendments are a vital portion of a well-crafted turf program.
Grow Firm, Smooth and True Greens
Our all-natural turf solutions use biologically active, organic carbon, beneficial microbes and organic acids to create the most optimal environment for golf course greens to thrive.
These biostimulants precondition and amplify soil microbes to increase green-up, withstand stress, promote plant growth, improve compacted soil, increase fertility, stimulate root growth and combat negative fungal and bacterial growth. Plus, you can expect an improvement of turfgrass visual quality.
We build the strongest, healthiest plant possible to maximize the performance of greens. Golfers experience a real measure of their skills and thrilling rounds. Try our program—soil samples will show the impact of your humic acid applications.
we let the numbers do the talking for genesis