Genesis | Lawn Soil Conditioner

$ 92.00


2.5 Gallon 1 Gallon Sprayer Quart Quart 2x2.5 Gallon Case 4x1 Gallon Case

Genesis | Lawn Soil Conditioner

$ 92.00


2.5 Gallon 1 Gallon Sprayer Quart Quart 2x2.5 Gallon Case 4x1 Gallon Case

Products ship next day and are usually delivered in 3–7 days.

Genesis is a liquid soil conditioner that provides all the building blocks you need to establish stronger, greener turf—faster! Formulated with biologically active, organic matter, Genesis accelerates green-up and is scientifically proven to increase germination rate, soil quality, plant height and mass area.

Benefits of Genesis:

  • Stimulates root growth
  • Increases green-up
  • Accelerates seed germination
  • Chelates soil nutrients and decreases leaching
  • Aerates and loosens compacted clay soils
  • Preconditions and activates soil biology to withstand stress
  • Boosts fertilizer applications and unlocks existing soil nutrients
  • Combats negative fungal and bacterial growth

Genesis is also available in our Lawn Care Bundles.

mircobes organic acids carbon

Application Rates More Details Documents Genesis | Lawn Soil Conditioner: Secret Ingredients FAQs


Season-Long Lawn Program (recommended)

For a complete lawn care plan custom to your turf zone and lawn size, use our Natural Lawn Care Bundle program. Apply Genesis in spring as advised in the program. Take this quick quiz to learn which bundle is right for you!

Applying Genesis Alone

If you are applying Genesis outside of the Natural Lawn Care Bundle program, apply it during the early spring months (March–May, depending on where you live and what type of grass you grow) or 2 weeks before green-up.

Southland Organics Sprayer Quart Instructions

If you're using the Southland Organics sprayer quart:

Insert the straw into the black sprayer nozzle. Attach the nozzle to the sprayer quart bottle of Genesis. Attach your hose to the sprayer nozzle, and turn on your water. Turn the dial on the sprayer nozzle to "mix," and the sprayer will automatically dilute the product to the proper ratio. Spray in even strokes, saturating your grass with the mixture. A full quart should take about 3 minutes and cover approximately 1,000 square feet.

Using Your Own Sprayer Instructions

If you're using your own sprayer:

Assemble your hose end sprayer as directed by the manufacturer. Pour Genesis into the reservoir. Turn the dilution dial to one ounce or two tablespoons (depending on which unit is used on your sprayer). Spray in even strokes, saturating your grass with the mixture. A full quart of product will cover approximately 1,000 square feet.

Commercial landscapers, golf superintendents and erosion control specialists

Apply Genesis during the early spring months (March–May, depending on where you live and what type of grass you grow) or 2 weeks before green-up.

Always dilute Genesis. We recommend a 1:20 product to water ratio. Use all of the diluted mixture within 24 hours.

Dilute and apply 4–12 ounces of Genesis per 1,000 square feet of land. Repeat this every 28 days for a total of 3 applications.

If you’re laying new sod, dilute and apply 10–12 ounces of Genesis per 1,000 square feet of the prepared ground to increase root development. Repeat this once more in 2 weeks.

If you’re seeding, spread your seed as you normally would. Dilute and apply 10–12 ounces of Genesis per 1,000 square feet immediately after spreading your seed. Apply once more in 21–30 days.

Improve soil quality with Genesis

Genesis is a concentrated soil conditioner that uses biologically active organic matter, indigenous microbes and organic acids to create the most optimal environment for grass to thrive.

Whether you’re a homeowner looking for a natural solution for a beautiful lawn, landscaper looking to keep your customers happy with beautiful green lawns, golf course superintendent aiming to cultivate firm, smooth, true greens or a contractor striving to win more bids by consistently delivering superior erosion control—Genesis will help you get the job done.

The biostimulants in Genesis accelerate root growth through oxygenation, chelate soil nutrients to make them accessible to the plant, combat negative fungal growth, aerate and improve compacted soil and work to unlock previous fertilizer applications.

Genesis Lab Test

To evaluate the effectiveness of Genesis, we consulted TRI Environmental for laboratory testing of the product in regard to germination and vegetation enhancement. In the study, a control group of grass seed planted in potting soil was germinated and grown alongside an identical group of grass seed in potting soil which had Genesis applied to it. The measurements of the Genesis experimental group were compared against both the measurements of the concurrent control and the measurements of a 2015–2018 average control. The results are shown below.

When compared to seed not treated with Genesis, seed that was given Genesis showed a 136% increase in plant height over 21 days.

On day 7, the germination rate compared to the control showed a 1550% increase in germination rate.

By day 21, the seed treated with Genesis had an average of 155% seed germination rate.

Over the 21-day period, seed given Genesis showed 250% greater plant mass area.

A University of Georgia trial found that lawns treated with Genesis show a 78% increase in green-up. In regard to soil nitrate loss, IAS Laboratories lab results prove that Genesis reduces soil nitrate loss by 38% or more. This means you get healthier soil with less fertilizer.

Soil pH

Soil pH is one factor that determines the type and amount of nutrients that are available to plant roots. pH stands for "potential hydrogen," and it is a number that results in the measurement of things like nutrient retention, root zone health and more. Raising and lowering soil pH for optimal grass conditions is possible with mainstream agricultural products.

To raise soil pH, people normally apply some form of lime to the soil. Slated lime, which has smaller particles, raises soil pH quicker than forms with larger particles. Changing soil pH to be more acidic usually involves adding sulfur. Regular lawn maintenance like irrigation and nitrogen application can naturally lower soil ph.

When overly acidic soil is present, it's especially important to raise the soil's pH. This is because overly acidic soil can interfere with your lawn's ability to absorb nutrients, like those in Genesis.

Maintain Soil pH

Soil pH is extremely important for an existing lawn. Your yard's soil needs a pH between 5.5 and 7.0 to allow the natural materials and minerals to be free for plant use. The soil's capacity to restore balance to nutrient imbalance greatly depends on pH. Plants benefit from a proper pH and you cannot truly feed lawns without a balanced pH because the vitamins, minerals and other natural materials will be chemically "locked" from the plant. This is called nutrient lockout. Genesis falls within the proper pH number and high carbon content. This organic matter improves moisture retention, may prevent root rot and ensures proper drainage as well as helps chelate and unlock the nutrients in the root zone.

Clay soils

In addition to being a conditioning soil treatment, Genesis serves as a liquid soil loosener for compact soils by adding organic matter. These beneficial microorganisms help break down the clay soil, digging tiny holes throughout its top layers and aerating the compacted soil.

It's important to reduce soil compaction in lawns with clay soil because compaction limits the movement of nutrients, air and water, which stifles grass growth. The organic matter in Genesis is a natural, much lower maintenance method to reduce compaction than breaking up soil through machinery.

While sandy soils typically don't have compacted soils issues, they can still benefit from soil amendments like Genesis. Sandy soils may just need lower applications of soil amendments, and the added microbiology helps ameliorate any nutrient imbalance and prepare the soil for stressful conditions.

Soil Structure

Genesis improves soil structure by increasing water retention, aerating and adding plant nutrients. Like many soil amendments, it helps poor soils by improving the way soil particles fit together and adding organic matter throughout.

What are soil amendments?

Soil amendments have three categories: fertilizers, soil inoculants and soil conditioners. In general, soil amendments are substances that enhance qualities of soil, like water retention or ability to absorb nutrients. All soil amendments have a goal of healthy soil and productive yield, but each subcategory has a specific means of achieving this.

Soil amendments considered to be fertilizers add plant nutrients to soil, typically in the form of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. You'll see these on fertilizer labels as NPK.

Soil inoculants focus on adding biology to improve soil's food web. These types of soil amendments usually have added biology like beneficial bacteria or fungi.

As a soil amendment, Genesis is considered a soil conditioner. This is because it improves soil texture through organic material while also improving cation exchange capacity, soil pH, water holding capacity and soil compaction.

Good lawn maintenance practices include using the right soil amendments for your lawn. In our "fast green" world, we've built up an illusion that lawn products should make our grass look green instantly. This is typically how inorganic soil conditioners work, but organic soil conditioners will work differently. We're used to high nitrogen fertilizers pumping grass with too much nitrogen. While this result may give you instant gratification, it does little for soil improvement and actually harms the environment through excess nutrient runoff.

Genesis focuses on true soil health to improve your lawn for the long run. While not a certified organic soil conditioner, Genesis is naturally derived and safely improves soil health.

Soil Testing

Testing your soil through accurate soil samples reveals exact data on the properties of your soil. You can test your lawn soil or garden soil to know its exact pH and how to optimize soil improvement, but it's not necessary.

Genesis contains humic and fulvic acids that provide all the essential nutrients that lawn grasses need for soil improvement. It's safe to use Genesis without testing your soil first!

Southland Organics turf and lawn care products leverage our three core features to supercharge soil with the building blocks turf grass needs to thrive.

Organic Turf Care

The added beneficial microbes help decompose residual pesticides and herbicides and unlock bound nutrients in the soil. This makes nutrients available to plants in simpler, more easily absorbed forms. Microbes amplify conventional programs by making your inputs work harder for longer.

Organic Turf Care

Organic acids and top-quality, organic carbon work to break surface tension of compacted soils and deliver oxygen to the root zone. Grass grows deeper roots in oxygenated soil, helping it resist disease and overtake weeds.

Organic Turf Care

Carbon is the main building block of all organic life. In fact, 50% of plant life is made up of carbon. Carbon feeds microbes and is critical to microbial health. The microbes, in turn, assimilate nutrients and deliver them to the roots for growth and development. Carbon is the ultimate macro element that lawns need to thrive.

With these three secret ingredients, plants develop deeper roots, retain water, resist disease and pests and become lush and healthy. Our soil amendments are a vital portion of a well-crafted turf program. Business owners will increase their results and experience less stress with more profits. Homeowners will grow beautiful lawns with no harmful chemicals.

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