There is a lot to growing a bird!
Our birds, whether we keep them as pets or simply to fill our morning omelet orders, often become a much bigger part of our lives than we ever might have imagined. Luckily for us, we and our feathered friends are not so different from one another. Just like you and me, birds have a way of letting us in on what they are feeling. Whether they are upset about the weather, cranky because they are out of feed or not particularly fond of their neighbor one nesting box over, they are not shy about letting us know.
Before we can begin to understand what our birds might be trying to tell us, we need some basic understanding of bird anatomy. Although we may not always like to admit it, we and our birds are not all too different. We get a little cranky when we do not eat on time or even a little tired when we are not feeling our best. With that being said, the best way for you to boost your roost is to get to know your flock. Luckily, Southland Organics is here to help.