Ah, September. The beginning of fall, start of football season and… chicken!
September is National Chicken Month. We wish there were a National Poultry Farmer Month, but we’ll still take this as an opportunity to celebrate the amazing work poultry growers do in the U.S.A. and across the globe.
Check out this video to see Allen break down some incredible statistics on the recent impact and success of poultry farming.
Here are a few numbers that we want to highlight:
- 95% of broiler chickens are produced on family farms (National Chicken Council, 2018)
- Nationwide in 2020, over 9 billion individual broilers were grown, collectively weighing over 59 billion pounds! These broilers were worth almost $22 billion. (USDA, 2020)
- Per capita egg consumption in the US increased almost 13% from 2010-2020. In 2020, the estimated egg consumption per capita was 286 eggs. (US Poultry and Egg Association, 2021)
- Broilers, eggs, turkeys and chicken sales had a combined production value of $35.5 billion in 2020. 61% of that value was from broilers. (US Poultry and Egg Association, 2021)
- For the first time, chicken surpassed pork for the most consumed protein worldwide. (FAO, 2021)
- 2020 saw the highest number of broiler chicken exports in over 10 years. 7.37 billion pounds of broilers were exported! (US Poultry and Egg Association, 2021)
Now that’s im-peck-able. Poultry farmers, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the hard work you do to feed our nation and the world! We are here to support you while you feed millions.
If you have any questions or a suggestion for a future video topic, please reach out to allen@southlandorganics.com or call 800-608-3755.