Apply Ignition with a sprayer of your choice. Ignition can be applied whenever temperatures are above 60° F in your area. When temperatures are below 60° F, it's more difficult for the product to activate.
Commercial Compost Applications
Spray enough diluted Ignition to saturate the top of your windrow.
Reapply Ignition every 30–45 days, or whenever you turn your windrow.
Residential Compost Pile or Compost Bin
Southland Organics Sprayer Quart InstructionsIf you're using the Southland Organics sprayer quart:
Insert the straw into the black sprayer nozzle. Attach the nozzle to the sprayer quart bottle of Ignition. Attach your hose to the sprayer nozzle, and turn on your water. Turn the dial on the sprayer nozzle to "mix," and the sprayer will automatically dilute the product to the proper ratio. Spray in even strokes, saturating your compost pile with the mixture. A full quart should take about 3 minutes to finish.
Using Your Own Sprayer Instructions
If you're using your own sprayer:
Assemble your sprayer as directed by the manufacturer. Pour Ignition into the reservoir. Turn the dilution dial to one ounce or two tablespoons (depending on which unit is used on your sprayer). Spray in even strokes, saturating your grass with the mixture.
If you have a compost turner or a gravity-based compost bin, reapply Ignition every 28 days. If you turn your pile manually, reapply whenever you turn.
Ignition helps make rich, fertile compost and rejuvenates tired and depleted soils. It can be used on compost bins or your compost heap. Powered by organic material and beneficial soil microbes, Ignition promotes the natural decomposition process, so you can get the most from your compost.
Our compost starter is specially formulated to accelerate the process of decomposition. By introducing rich organic acids, nitrogen-rich ingredients and activated carbon, plus billions of microbes specially cultured to speed the decomposition of difficult-to-compost organic matter, Ignition serves as the perfect compost accelerator.
Improve your Composting Process
Composting works by allowing beneficial microbiology to work aerobically to break down organic waste into a nutrient-rich product to be used for growing more plants.
Microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi and actinomycetes account for the vast majority of the decomposition that takes place in a compost pile. They are considered chemical decomposers because they change the chemistry of organic wastes.
Of these organisms, aerobic bacteria are the most important decomposers. They are the most nutritionally diverse of all organisms and can eat nearly anything. Bacteria utilize carbon as a source of energy (to keep on eating) and nitrogen to build protein in their bodies (so they can grow and reproduce).
The biological composition and concentration of our compost starter are very similar to products used in many industrial wastewater systems. Ignition may be the only compost accelerator on the market that contains indigenous nitrogen-fixing bacteria.
Composting is an art, and it takes time to get your composting recipe right. If you are a beginner composter and not happy with your compost's results, you may need a compost starter. Even if you've been composting for years, compost starters are a great way to make your composting process even more quick and efficient.
How Compost Starters Work
Compost starters—also known as compost activators, compost accelerators and compost boosters—work by adding microbes to decomposing organic matter. These microbes eat away at the organic matter, reproduce and create heat that helps the compost break down further, plus prevent diseases and weeds.
Ignition can be compared to Jobe's Organics Compost Starter or Bokashi Compost Starter, but in an easy-to-use liquid formula instead of a dry, granular mix. Some folks try to make their own compost starter. DIY compost starter is hard to get right, as creating your own microbiology mix takes a delicate balance. Commercial compost starters like Ignition are much more reliable, as they're made with a consistent formula and are designed to remain dormant until used.
Ignition provides the essential activated carbon, humic and fulvic acid to accelerate bacterial growth. These specially designed nutrient sources start the composting process more quickly and efficiently and serve as a powerful compost accelerator.
Why Compost?
Composting helps us embrace the natural cycle of life and decay. Proper stewardship focuses on the idea of "waste" because it is such a key issue to the health of the planet. In nature, there is no waste, as every living thing serves a greater purpose than its lifespan and contributes to the growth of something else. When you dive into composting your own "waste," you learn to appreciate the cycle of life, which involves decay and new growth in equal measure, and you come to understand that everything has a place in the world.
For more information on the benefits of composting and how to compost, read our blog! Composting can reduce food waste, improve your gardening practice and prevent your normal trash can from smelling so badly. Compost can be as simple as vegetable scraps, coffee grounds and eggshells! Ignition provides a natural, healthy boost to any scale of composting.
Southland Organics garden and crop products leverage our three core features to supercharge soil with the building blocks plants need to thrive.

The added beneficial microbes help decompose residual pesticides and herbicides and unlock bound nutrients in the soil. This makes nutrients available to plants in simpler, more easily absorbed forms. Microbes amplify conventional programs by making your inputs work harder for longer.

Organic acids and top-quality carbon work to break surface tension of compacted soils and deliver oxygen to the root zone. Plants grow deeper roots in oxygenated soil, helping them resist disease and overtake weeds.

Carbon is the main building block of all organic life. In fact, 50% of plant life is made up of carbon. Carbon feeds microbes and is critical to microbial health. The microbes, in turn, assimilate nutrients and deliver them to the roots for growth and development. Carbon is the ultimate macro element that plants need to thrive.
With these three secret ingredients, plants develop deeper roots, retain water, resist disease and pests and become lush and healthy.
Our soil amendments are a vital portion of a healthy plant program. Row crop farmers will increase their results and experience less stress with more profits. Homeowners will grow beautiful gardens with no harmful chemicals.
Walking at a quick pace, our sprayer quart will cover up to 4,000 square feet.
Unfortunately, you have to use it all at once. The bacteria will activate and they will start to "bloom." This will produce A LOT of methane in the container, and it will swell and burst. The great thing is that you cannot over apply it. The more concentrated the better!
Yes, Ignition can be applied with chemical fertilizer. Our other lawn and garden products based on microbes, organic acids and carbon—Ultimate Tea, Genesis, Omega, Revival and Jump Start—can also be applied with chemical fertilizer. FertALive should not be applied with other fertilizer products because the added nitrogen will likely burn the plants and kill them.