Alyssa Rauton
Avian Specialist/Research & DevelopmentAlyssa at SouthlandOrganics.com
Alyssa is our go-to chicken girl. She supports our sales and marketing teams with poultry product information and content development. You may have seen her on YouTube in many of our helpful videos for backyard chicken keepers! Alyssa also contributes her chemistry prowess to the development and improvement of many of our products.
Alyssa is a third year DVM student at the University of Georgia, set to graduate in 2025. She graduated with her Bachelor of Arts and Science degree in avian biology from the University of Georgia in 2021. Alyssa has been writing content and executing research and development for Southland Organics since 2020.
Alyssa is passionate about enabling farmers to produce marketable, efficient products in an encouraging and effective way. She is an Athens transplant from South Georgia, a reforming gardener and a foodie in training who enjoys anything outdoors. Alyssa is kind to all, intelligent and a true joy to have in the office!